Do you suffer from chronic migraines? Has the debilitating pain kept you from being fully present with your family, friends, or even your own thoughts? Have the migraines affected your daily work?

That’s the bad news, but the good news is that there’s light at the end of the tunnel. It’s possible to end or significantly lessen your pain for six to twelve months at a time with a treatment option called radiofrequency ablation. Radiofrequency ablation uses a precise burst of heat to put the occipital nerve to “sleep,” temporarily stopping your migraines. Because that is the primary nerve producing your migraine pain, you can’t feel the all-too-familiar sting of a migraine.

Dr. Jason Attaman can help. You can contact our office in Bellevue to schedule an appointment, or read more on this page, or keep reading on to find out more.

Does radiofrequency ablation end all migraine symptoms?

Migraine sufferers know a migraine isn’t just about head pain: It’s also the nausea, light sensitivity, tightness in your neck and shoulders, fatigue, throbbing, drooping and watery eyes, and the anticipation or dread.

Will radiofrequency ablation end those symptoms?  Results vary, and every patient is different, but roughly 75% of patients experience a complete end to all pain and don’t notice any additional symptoms.

Most of the others find their pain goes from debilitating to bearable, but continue to notice some associated symptoms. Even so, most patients find that that reduction in pain is enough to allow them to continue their daily activities.

It is possible to combine radiofrequency ablation with medications to ensure you can address all of your symptoms during an attack.

Can radiofrequency ablation help all migraine patients?

The vast majority of migraine patients see significant results from radiofrequency ablation treatments.

In some patients with severe migraines, the occipital nerve isn’t the only active nerve. Those patients might benefit more from surgery, in which case we can refer you to some of the best surgeons here in the Puget Sound area.

What happens to your migraines when radiofrequency ablation treatments wear off?

Eventually nerves regenerate, so you’ll have to come in for follow-up treatments.  The good news is RFA is a minimally invasive treatment that may be performed unlimited times. Many of our patients just schedule their next appointment the day they come in for their RFA treatment, knowing it won’t last forever.

The benefits of RFA last longer than non-interventional, preventative, and rescue treatments.

What about non-interventional treatments for migraines?

We can also refer you to chiropractors, acupuncturists, and massage therapists who can relieve mild migraines.

At your appointment with us we’ll discuss your history of migraine headaches.

After we’ve got a clear picture of how migraines present themselves in your specific case, we will determine a treatment plan and whether a referral to a different or additional doctor might help your course of treatment.

Schedule an appointment today

Don’t let chronic migraines destroy your ability to enjoy your life. We can help you find relief from your migraines for months at a time.  Contact Dr. Jason Attaman’s office to make your first appointment today.

About the Author: Phil Rozek

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