We can see you in-clinic at our Bellevue WA office or in a telemedicine appointment. Contact us to book an appointment or read more here.

Everybody Experiences Pain!

Do you have acute or chronic pain? If so, you are not alone. Virtually all adult humans experience a significant painful issue at least a few times in their lives. It is an unfortunate reality of being a modern human.

You may be experiencing whiplash pain and headaches after a motor vehicle accident a few weeks ago and wondering why you have pain if your MRI is normal and your doctors have told you everthing “looks ok.” You might have had pelvic surgery 10 years ago and have been suffering from excruciating daily pain for the past decade, and have seen dozens of specialists, none of whom have any diagnosis nor treatment for you. You might be a teenager whose parents asked him to pull a fencepost out of the yard and have been having horrible low back pain for 3 years and all the physicians you’ve seen have said you’ll simply “grow out” of the pain. Maybe you’ve played a lot of tennis and now have a simple case of tennis elbow.

In most cases, pain will come and go in a fairly short time. Sometimes however, it sticks around and will not go away no matter what you do. You’ve seen your physical therapist many dozens of times, had chiropractic for months, tried multiple different medications, and even seen surgeons who tell you there is no surgery to correct your painful issue, or worse yet; that the surgery they performed on you “looks great” and they have no idea why you still have pain. You are unable to participate in your hobbies because of the pain, you are depressed and it is affecting your relationships. Nobody has ever given you a real diagnosis and told you what is causing your suffering.

Where do you turn when you are in this situation?

This is where we come in as Pain Medicine physicians. Our entire lives are dedicated to diagnosing and treating the most simple to most complex painful and non-surgical orthopedic problems.

The sub-specialty of Pain Medicine is a recognized field for physicians to train in. Dr. Attaman is fellowship-trained and board-certified in this sub-specialty. Fellowship training is the very highest level of training a physician can complete, and only a small percentage pursue it.

The most important step in treating painful issues is a proper diagnosis. Therefore when you visit us, we will perform a very detailed history and physical with you, and review your outside imaging reports and physician’s notes so that we know what has been tried and failed in the past. We will spend more time with you than virtually any other physician you have seen, and you will see a physician only; no “mid-level” professionals such as Physicians Assistants nor Nurse Practitioners. Our goal is to think outside the box and figure out your specific diagnosis so we may offer the most appropriate treatments.

We are medical detectives!

We diagnose and treat every form of acute and chronic pain issue, from a simple twisted ankle to chronic cancer pain. We can help with very simple and very complex cases.

Here are some of the conditions we diagnose and treat, though this is not an exhaustive list. Please click the area of the body in which you have pain, and a list of the conditions we treat will appear:

Headache Pain Syndromes

Headache arising from Whiplash
Headache arising from the upper neck
Acute Herpes Zoster (Shingles) of the Trigeminal Nerve
Migraine Headache
Tension-Type Headache
Cluster Headache
Swimmer’s Headache
Analgesic Rebound Headache
Occipital Neuralgia
Ice Pick Headache
Supraorbital Neuralgia
Chronic Paroxysmal Hemicrania
Hemicrania Continua
Charlin’s Syndrome
Sexual Headache
Cough Headache
Hypnic Headache
Nummular Headache
Post – Dural Puncture Headache

Neck and Brachial Plexus Pain Syndromes

Cervical Facet Syndrome
Cervical Radiculopathy
Cervical Post Laminectomy Syndrome
Cervical Hypermobility
Cervical Instability
Fibromyalgia of the Cervical Musculature
Cervical Strain
Longus Colli Tendinitis
Interspinous Bursitis
Brachial Plexopathy
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Spasmodic Torticollis
Cervicothoracic Interspinous Bursitis
Scapulocostal Syndrome
Parsonage-Turner Syndrome
Hyoid Syndrome
Omohyoid Syndrome
Neck-Tongue Syndrome
Sternohyoid Syndrome

Elbow Pain Syndromes

Arthritis Pain of the Elbow
Tennis Elbow
Golfer’s Elbow
Distal Biceps Tendon Tear
Thrower’s Elbow
Anconeus Syndrome
Supinator Syndrome
Brachioradialis Syndrome
Ulnar Nerve Entrapment at the Elbow
Lateral Antebrachial Cutaneous Nerve
Entrapment At The Elbow
Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Elbow
Olecranon Bursitis
Pronator Syndrome
Cubital Bursitis
Anconeus Epitrochlearis
Triceps Tendinitis
Radial Tunnel Syndrome
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
Driver’s Elbow
Anterior Interosseus Syndrome

Hand Pain Syndromes

Trigger Thumb
Trigger Finger
Sesamoiditis of the Hand
Carpal Boss Syndrome
Dupuytren’s Contracture
Boxer’s Knuckle
Triangular Fibrocartilage Tear Syndrome (TFCC)
Scapholunate Ligament Tear Syndrome
Lunotriquetral Instability Pain Syndrome
Kienböck’s Disease
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Tendinitis
Flexor Carpi Radialis Tendinitis

Lumbar Spine and Sacroiliac Joint Pain Syndromes

Lumbar Radiculopathy
Low Back Pain
Latissimus Dorsi Syndrome
Spinal Stenosis
Sacroiliac Joint Pain
Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Superior Cluneal Nerve Entrapment Syndrome
Lumbar Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Lumbar Paraspinal Compartment Syndrome

Hip and Lower Extremity Pain Syndromes

Arthritis Pain of the Hip
Hip Labrum Tear
Snapping Hip Syndrome
Iliopectineal Bursitis
Ischial Bursitis
Meralgia Paresthetica
Phantom Limb Pain
Trochanteric Bursitis
Transient Regional Osteoporosis
Psoas Bursitis
Iliopsoas Tendon Rupture
Femoral Neuropathy
Saphenous Neuralgia
Obturator Neuralgia
Adductor Tendinitis
Iliopectinate Bursitis
Snapping Hip Syndrome

Ankle Pain Syndromes

Arthritis Pain of the Ankle
Arthritis of the Midtarsal Joints
Deltoid Ligament Strain
Anterior Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
Posterior Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
Achilles Tendinitis
Achilles Tendon Rupture
Subtalar Joint Pain
Midtarsal Joint Pain
Posterior Tibial Tendinitis
Achilles Bursitis

Generalized Pain Syndromes

Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
Peripheral Neuropathy
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD)
Motor Vehicle Accidents

Facial Pain Syndromes

Trigeminal Neuralgia
Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction
Atypical Facial Pain
Hyoid Syndrome
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy of the Face
Ramsay Hunt Syndrome
Eagle Syndrome
Atypical Odontalgia
Burning Mouth Syndrome
Nervus Intermedius Neuralgia
Red Ear Syndrome
Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia
Supraorbital Neuralgia
Infraorbital Neuralgia
Mental Neuralgia
Facial Nerve Pain

Shoulder Pain Syndromes

Degenerative Arthritis of the Shoulder
Acromioclavicular Joint Pain
Subdeltoid Bursitis
Bicipital Tendinitis
Adhesive Capsulitis of the Shoulder
Biceps Tendon Tear
Supraspinatus Syndrome
Rotator Cuff Tear
Deltoid Syndrome
Teres Major Syndrome
Scapulocostal Syndrome
Supraspinatus Tendinitis
Infraspinatus Tendinitis
Subacromial Impingement Syndrome
OS Acromiale Pain Syndrome
Pectoralis Major Tear Syndrome
Suprascapular Nerve Entrapment
Snapping Scapula Syndrome
Quadrilateral Space Syndrome
Labral Tear

Wrist Pain Syndromes

Arthritis Pain of The Wrist
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Tendinitis
de Quervain’s Tenosynovitis
Arthritis Pain at the Carpometacarpal Joints
Ganglion Cysts of the Wrist
Ulnar Tunnel Syndrome
Cheiralgia Paresthetica
Trigger Wrist

Chest Wall Pain Syndromes

Costosternal Syndrome
Manubriosternal Syndrome
Intercostobrachial Neuralgia (Armpit Nerve Pain)
Diabetic Truncal Neuropathy
Tietze’s Syndrome
Precordial Catch Syndrome
Fractured Ribs
Post-Thoracotomy Pain
Devil’s Grip
Sternoclavicular Syndrome
Postmastectomy Pain
Sternalis Syndrome
Manubriosternal Joint Syndrome
Serratus Anterior Muscle Syndrome
Slipping Rib Syndrome
Winged Scapula Syndrome
Thoracic Spine Pain Syndromes
Acute Herpes Zoster of the Thoracic Dermatome
Costovertebral Joint Syndrome
Postherpetic Neuralgia
Thoracic Vertebral Compression Fracture
Abdominal and Groin Pain Syndromes
Rectus Nerve Entrapment Syndrome
Ilioinguinal Neuralgia
Genitofemoral Neuralgia
Anterior Cutaneous Nerve Entrapment
Radiation Enteritis
ACNES Syndrome

Pelvic Pain Syndromes

Osteitis Pubis
Pudendal Neuralgia
Gluteus Maximus Syndrome
Piriformis Syndrome
Ischiogluteal Bursitis
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Interstitial Cystitis
Testicular Torsion
Levator Ani Syndrome
Gluteus Maximus Pain Syndrome
Gluteus Medius Syndrome
Gluteal Bursitis
Nutcracker Syndrome
Levator Ani Pain Syndrome
Proctalgia Fugax
Paroxysmal Extreme Pain Syndrome
Post Laminectomy Syndrome
Adjacent Segment Disease

Knee and Distal Lower Extremity Pain Syndromes

Arthritis Pain of the Knee
Avascular Necrosis of the Knee
Medial Collateral Ligament Syndrome
Medial Meniscal Tear
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Syndrome
Jumper’s Knee
Runner’s Knee
Suprapatellar Bursitis
Prepatellar Bursitis
Superficial Infrapatellar Bursitis
Deep Infrapatellar Bursitis
Osgood-Schlatter Disease
Baker’s Cyst of the Knee
Pes Anserine Bursitis
Common Peroneal Nerve Entrapment
Tennis Leg
Tibiofibular Pain Syndrome
Jumper’s Knee
Semimembranosus Insertion Syndrome
Coronary Ligament Strain
Breaststroker’s Knee
Quadriceps Expansion Syndrome
Runner’s Knee
Snapping Pes Anserinus Syndrome
Iliotibial Band Bursitis
Fabella Syndrome
Hamstring Tendinitis
Pes Anserine Bursitis

Foot Pain Syndromes

Arthritis Pain of the Toes
Bunion Pain
Morton’s Neuroma
Interdigital Burstis
Freiberg Disease
Plantar Fasciitis
Calcaneal Spur Syndrome
Mallet Toe
Hammer Toe
Anterior Talofibular Pain Syndrome
Accessory Navicular Pain Syndrome
Fibulocalcaneal Pain Syndrome
OS Trigonum Pain Syndrome
Bunionette Pain
Submetatarsal Adventitial Bursitis
Morton’s Neuroma

Dr. Attaman is board certified and Anesthesiology-fellowship trained in the medical subspecialty of Pain Medicine and Interventional Pain Management. He is also residency trained and board certified in the specialty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. He is one of only a few with such extensive qualifications in the state of Washington. Connect with Dr. Attaman on Google+ | LinkedIn | Facebook If you are in pain, call Dr. Attaman's Seattle office (206-395-4422) or Bellevue, WA (425-247-3359) office.

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